Prepping Your Brand for Press: 5 To-Do’s

Getting your brand featured in print or an online publication (without paying for it) requires strategy and preparation. If your brand is not ready, a press feature can be overwhelming, stressful, and potentially even negative for your business. So, here are five things you can do to help prepare your brand for press right now! 

Business Lessons I Learned as a Sorority Girl

Being in a sorority, both as a collegiate member and an advisor at several universities throughout the country has taught me countless lessons that I attribute to my success in academia as a professor and in my PR business. So, in an effort to educate and entertain, let me take you through the business lessons I learned as a sorority girl.

How To Measure Your Communication Efforts

table with planner computer and glasses

One of the biggest mistakes that even the most seasoned business owners, communication professionals, and PR pros make is the failure to plan for effective measurement of their efforts. Using the principles of public relations, you can easily measure your communication efforts and do so without spending money, outsourcing, or downloading any apps or extensions. Sounds good, right?